Beer, tits, gaming, metal, friends, tea.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 6/12/04
C00K!3 M0N5T3R
I coughed
I retract my previous statement
I'm sorry
Ive got a new hotness competition on my userpage! Come check it out!
Go to my page and comment on who you want in the next hotness competition!
HOLY SHIT youre fucking HOT!
Fuck me now!
Anyway... you actually wanna play together on PS3 sometime or just sit there and clutter up my friends list?
lulz thank you
of course my smelly bean, uh...whats your PSN ID again? I dunno who you are :p could play some GTAIV or MGO at some point, I can play at the weekend for sure, friday saturday and sunday, but not anymore after that untill the weekends, because I being WORKING muhaha.
Well, everyone on the bbs can be annoying. But BFS is a nice guy.... most of the time......
I agree with both ends of that statement
in case you were wondering, the reason I called him annoying, is because he posted a picture of "him" holding "his" Metal Gear Solid 4 case, I got excited, then realised it was probably fake.
thats why he annoyed me.