Beer, tits, gaming, metal, friends, tea.

Age 32, Male




Joined on 6/12/04

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ZpLiNtEh's News

Posted by ZpLiNtEh - June 26th, 2009

well fuck that went bloody quick

it was awesome though

wish it lasted longer...


Posted by ZpLiNtEh - June 25th, 2009

My prom is tommorrow

holy shnit


forking ell mon

Posted by ZpLiNtEh - May 28th, 2009

likes bum

Posted by ZpLiNtEh - May 23rd, 2009

I've now officially left school, the place I've routinely walked to for the last 4 years of my life :|

In a way, it's great, because now i can move on, but I'll always miss it, many things happened at school :)

also here's a pic for Abyssus ;)


Posted by ZpLiNtEh - April 22nd, 2009

My hair isn't actually black, and it isn't that long anymore, but after getting bored and pissing around with Gimp 2, I now officially want that hair.

I'll just wait for it to grow a bit, then dye it black >:D

I wont wear the lipstick or eyeliner though lol

Posted by ZpLiNtEh - April 15th, 2009

I decided to write a little story, to vent if you will, because I feel extremely angry right now, it's not directed at anyone, it's just anger in general.

I guess I'm a misanthrope, although I'm not sure of that.

It's supposed to be a meaningfull story, although it's up to you how you interpret it.

No prizes for guessing who the character is based on.

He stared in the mirror, long enough to see a reflection of what he had become, most people would have called this "insane", but for reasons yet to be revealed, this is what he wanted, to be this way, in his mind, this was normal, why couldn't anyone else see that?

He took a step back, and just stared at what appeared to be a simple human being, but he knew under the surfacewas a ticking time bomb, a person misunderstood, treated like shit, expected to deal with it. every. single. day.
His vision began to blur at the edges, and the darkness claimed him, he allowed it to do so, not even attempting to resist the clutches of unconciousness.
As his body began to fall, he stumbled over the corpseof a victim, cleanly murdered with a kitchen knifeto the jugular.
As he fell, just before his vision was completely out of his control, he caught a glimpse of the corpses face, it was blank, with no features to speak of, the only detail was the aforementioned stab wound, the blood splattered over their face.

He fell into a deep sleepfor hours, surrounded by the bodies of whom he'd slainin his rush of angerand adrenaline, the bodies once displayed the features of people he had known his whole life, but as soon as the blade connected with their flesh, all traces of individuality and humanity was lost, their lifeless, featureless bodies slamming to the floor.

The world around him was lost, but he didn't care, he wanted to leave this world, he often fantasized about another universe, similar in appearace to this one, but deep within, it was far, far different. Nothing was shit, nothing was wasted, nothing was wrong, the way it should be.

During his sleep, he began to think of everything that matteredto him, which as he realised didn't consist of much, brought up the memory a girl, whose name he would never forget, but dared not speak, for fear of her subconciously becoming awareof his actions, even though this was such a ridiculous thing, this was the sort of thing he feared, not what you'd expect in a "normal" person.

He was never sure if he lovedthis girl, but had always wantedto find out, unfortunately she had nevergiven him the chance, or so he thought, for all he knewhe was a horrificlly mutilated shellof a person confined to a wheelchair, onlycapable of speech through mumbles and groans, whilst everyone else in the world was perfectin every way, except for him. Everything he had ever known was a lie, created by his mind in an attempt to escape reality, no family, no house, no friends, no music, no visual entertainment, no food, no drink, nothing, except a painful existence.

He didn't know what to think, for all he knew, he didn't even exist, and was just a brief thoughtof some higher entity, this terrified him, although deathwas feared above all, death meant an endto nothing that existed in the first place, which was unbearableas it was, but to think it coming to an end? Impossible, horrifying.


Should I bother writing any more?


Posted by ZpLiNtEh - April 14th, 2009

I has it


Diverse Musical taste

Posted by ZpLiNtEh - April 1st, 2009

I'm loving this whole China thing

Anyone noticed how the sites name is replaced with china? i c wat u did thar tom.

Posted by ZpLiNtEh - March 19th, 2009

You know that guy who wanted to burn his school down? sirtom93 right?

One of my friends in school today was talking about "some kid who tried to burn down attleborough high" during ICT.

And she just said about how the police caught him and all that bollocks

Newgrounds reaches the real world :O

Well done dewds who acted, you probably saved a considerable amount of lives.

Posted by ZpLiNtEh - March 13th, 2009


I actually like it though...it's not bad.

What do you think Ollie, my hair whore buddy? :D

Holy shit, I just realised...